Versatile - Unable to print folder printer labels but can print box barcode labels.
Unable to print folder printer labels but can print box barcode labels.
Steps to reproduce:
Select folder icon and check records then select printer.

Select label called folder label and select OK.

Select OK.

Select printer icon and nothing prints.

Labels should be assigned a default printer based upon users’ preference.
Ex. DS on 1st floor uses the FOLDER LABEL only. No other Versatile user or Group should use that one. No
To assign a default printer to a label do the below steps.
- Open Versatile
- Select Setup from left hand menu.
- Select Labels
- Select the label name to work on
- Select Label Design
- Select File > Page Setup
- Select Printer to set as default and then select OK.
- Note: Person printing the label should know their printer.
- Select Update
- Close
- Test printing of the label to default printer.