InfoPath Permissions Error Work Around
There is a known issue with InfoPath in which any new or republished templates do not operate as intended without first being opened with InfoPath.
You might experience this error when trying to access the InfoPath form from SharePoint for the first time or the template has been published for the first time or republished. The issue is specific to every specific template of the form.
This is the error you might encounter when opening the InfoPath form:
Error Message
Here are the steps on how to resolve the error message:
- Right-click on the form button on the procurement site and click on "Copy Link."
- Open Word and paste the link into the new document.
- Select the highlighted first portion of the link through the word "Forms":
- Launch the InfoPath Application from the Start Menu and make sure to open "InfoPath Filler 2013"
- In InfoPath click on "Open" paste the link into the URL box and press "Enter" on your keyboard
- Select template.xsn and open it
- As the form loads there will be a few pop-up messages, which you can ignore as they will disappear. DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM. Close InfoPath
- Open form from the SharePoint again to download it. Open the newly downloaded form.
If you require further assistance, contact IT Support:
Support Portal:
Phone: 425-452-2886
Step 1
Step 3
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7