Quetel - Unable to Logon Using ID and Password.
There are times when a Quetel user will be provided a link that will take them to a logon page for Quetel. Users should not have to, or be able to, logon. Authentication of Quetel is managed by active directory.
The problem occurs when the user tries to access Quetel using the URL https://cobquetelpr01.ci.bellevue.wa.us/TraQ7. The correct URL to use is https://quetel.ci.bellevue.wa.us/TraQconnector
If the end user still has problems gaining access to Quetel using the correct URL, check AD group Police_PDAPPS to verify their ID is included in this group. If it is not in this group, then add them and have them try the correct URL again.
If after trying the above, transfer ticket to Application support team for further review.